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Rubric ID: 1027470
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    6+1 Trait Writing Model : African Food Essay

Introduction (Organization)
The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper.
The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper, but is not particularly inviting to the reader.
The introduction states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader.
There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper.
Sequencing (Organization)
Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader.
Details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented/introduced sometimes makes the writing less interesting.
Some details are not in a logical or expected order, and this distracts the reader.
Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized.
Focus on Topic (Content)
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information.
Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general.
Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information.
The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.
Conclusion (Organization)
Restates the topic and the supporting details mentioned in the essay.
Restates the topic and some details mentioned in the essay.
Restates the topic mentioned in the essay.
Does not fully restate the topic mentioned in the essay.
The document is spelling and grammar error-free.
The document has few spelling and grammar errors.
The document has some spelling and grammar errors.
The document has many spelling and grammar errors.
The document uses proper font size, font type, line spacing, and is typed.
The document does not use one of the following: proper font size, font type, line spacing, or is not typed.
The document does not use two of the following: proper font size, font type, line spacing, or is not typed.
The document does not use three or more of the following: proper font size, font type, line spacing, or is not typed.

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