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Rubric ID: 350382
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    Georgia O''Keefe Painting : Analysis of A Work of Art

Needs Improvement
If flower fills the page circle here.
If the flower is large circle here.
If the flower fits inside the paper with background around it circle here.
If the flower is small circle here.
If you used large shapes and DETAILS circle here.
If you used large shapes and other medium sized shapes circle here.
If you used only large shapes and a center area with no detail circle here.
If you painted only petals circle here.
If you mixed all secondary colors: green, orange and purple circle here.
If you mixed two secondary colors circle here.
If you mixed only one secondary color circle here.
If you did not mix any secondary colors circle here.
If you filled in your whole paper with color and left no unpainted paper circle here.
If you left some background unpainted circle here.
If you didn't finish painting your flower or background circle here.
If you only painted large petal shapes with no background and no detail circle here.

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