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Rubric ID: 241106
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    CARE Jingle : Instrumental Music Performance - Individual

Excellent 4
Good 3
Satisfactory 2
Needs Improvement 1
Words are always consistent and sensitive to the style of jingle being played.
Words are usually consistent and sensitive to the style of jingles being played.
Words are usually consistent and occasionally sensitive to the style of jingles being played.
Words are rarely consistent and/or rarely sensitive to jingles style.
Secure attacks. Markings are accurate and played as written on the score.
Attacks are usually secure, though there might be an isolated error. Markings are executed correctly.
Attacks are rarely secure, but markings are played correctly.
Few secure attacks. Markings are not executed correctly.
Virtually no errors. Pitch is very accurate.
An occasional error, but most of the time pitch is accurate and secure.
Some accurate pitches, but there are a lot of repeated errors.
Very few accurate or secure pitches.
The beat is secure and the rhythms are accurate for the jingle being played.
The beat is secure and the rhythms are mostly accurate. There are a few errors, but these do not detract from the overall performance.
The beat is not steady. Some rhythms are perfect. Rhythm problems occasionally affect the overall performance.
The beat is not steady. The rythm has lots of errors. Both of these affect the performance.

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