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Rubric ID: 1345593
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    Genetics Gone Wild?

19-20 points each
17-18 points each
15-16 points each
13-14 points each
0-12 points each
Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively all of the time.
Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively most of the time.
Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively some of the time.
Group often does not share responsibility or work effectively.
Does not cooperate with thr group. Argumenative, causes turmoil or is constantly off-task.
Content - Accuracy
All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors.
Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that might be inaccurate.
The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate.
Content is frequently not accurate.
Produces very little or no accurate information.
Presentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way.
Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way.
Presentation shows an attempt at originality and inventivenes.
Presentation demonstrates little originality or inventiveness and tends to present the ideas of others.
Plagarizes or produces nothing.
Well-thought out opinion. Presents factual content as a basis with extended thought of future ramifications or benefits.
Opinion is thoughtful, and demonstrates some extention of factual content and the future.
Some thoughtfulness is evident. Not always backed by factual information or future implications.
Little thoughtfulness is evident and opinions of others are not transformed into one's own.
No thoughtfulness is evident or did not provide an opinion peice.
Activity Responses
All are answered and include thoughtful and thorough responses that are backed by the research or reflective thought.
All are answered but 1-2 are not very thoughtful or thorough responses, or are not supported by research or meaningful relection.
1-2 questions are not answered at all and 1-2 others are not thoughtful or thorough.
3-4 questions are not answered at all and 3-4 demonstrate little evidence of thoughtful, research or reflective based response.
More that 4 are not addressed and/or few of the responses demonstrate evidence of research or reflective based thoughtfulness.

Date Created: November 22, 2006
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