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Industrial Revolution Pod Cast

Project Description
This is part of our unit on the Industrial Revolution. Answering the question "How might advances in technology transform a nation's economy and change how people live and work?" students will work in groups to research and create pod casts (a digital radio presentation) set during the Second Industrial Revolution in the United States. Groups of students are given task sheets that designate who they will interview: big business leaders (factory owner, oil,steel, or railroad tycoon), inventors and philosophers, industrial workers (child laborer, woman factory worker, male factory worker, labor union leader, striker), farmers (farmer, farmer's wife, teenage member of farming family, Grange leader, Populist Party member). After researching their topic, students choose characters for broadcast, write a script and record a broadcast. Although the broadcast is fictional, it should be realistic and historically accurate. As a class students will listen to broadcasts, evaluate their own broadcast, take notes on all broadcasts and take a short quiz over the podcasts. Students were required to include music, sounds appropriate to the period and a commercial (advertising a product newly invented during the time period).

Rubric Information
Rubric TitleDigital Storytelling: Industrial Revolution Pod Cast
Rubric ID1442920
Teacher NameBarbara Ryan
SchoolParkway South High School 
SubjectSocial Science

Project Includes
StandardsThis unit fits many Missouri curriculum standards as well as U.S. Social Studies standards.

NSS-EC.9-12.10 Role of Market Institutions
NSS-EC.9-12.13 Role of Resources in Determining Income
NSS-EC.9-12.15 Growth
NSS-WH.5-12.7 Era 7: An Age of Revolutions, 1750-1914
NT.K-12.3 Technology Productivity Tools
NT.K-12.4 Technology of Communication 
Teacher TipsThe project was very successful. The students enjoyed a new medium for presentation other than PowerPoints, posters, etc. I would add one additional grading column to the rubric for scriptwriting.

Using a RubiStar rubric gives the students a comprehensive look at exactly how the project will be graded. I give them the rubric while giving out the assignment and go over it with them so they know what is expected of their podcast. Then I use the rubric as the grading sheet and give this back to them with their grade and my comments. QuizStar | TrackStar | NoteStar | Profiler Pro | More Tools RubiStar en Español | Contact Us | Terms of Use  
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