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Rubric ID: 2836714
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    Oral Presentation Rubric : U.S. States and Regions Research Presentation

Student is completely prepared and confident in their delivery.
Student seems pretty prepared and fairly confident in their delivery.
The student is somewhat prepared and somewhat confident in their delivery.
Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Presentation is 5-6 minutes long.
Presentation is 4 minutes long.
Presentation is 3 minutes long.
Presentation is less than 3 minutes OR more than 6 minutes.
Speaks Clearly
Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly the majority of the time and miss pronounces few (1-4) words.
Speaks clearly and distinctly some of the time and mispronounces more than 5 words.
Often mumbles or can not be understood and/or mispronounces most words.
Stays on Topic
Stays on topic all (100%) of the time.
Stays on topic most of the time.
Stays on topic some of the time, but may get sidetracked.
It was hard to tell what the topic was.
Posture and Eye Contact
Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.
Stands up straight and establishes some eye contact with people in the room during the presentation.
Moves around/fidgets/ and does not maintain eye contact.
Slouches and/or looks down during the presentation.
Shows a full understanding of the topic and extensive research was done to present on quality, interesting content.
Shows a good understanding of the topic and enough research was done to meet presentation needs.
Shows a lack of understanding of the topic and minimal research was done.
Does not seem to understand the topic very well and no research was done.

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