Student chooses a book which s/he has not read before, which is at or above grade level, or has been previous approved by the teacher.
Student chooses a book which s/he has never read before and which is slightly below his/her reading level.
Student chooses a book s/he has read once before that is close to his/her reading level and was approved by the teacher.
Student chooses a book that s/he has read many times before or which is more than one grade below student's reading level.
Student accurately describes what has happened in the story and tries to predict "what will happen next."
Student accurately describes what has happened in the story.
Student accurately describes most of what happened in the story.
Student has difficulty re-telling the story.
Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and reads parts again. Looks up words s/he doesn't know.
Stops reading when it doesn't make sense and tries to use strategies to get through the tricky spots or to figure out new words.
Stops reading when it doesn't makes sense and asks for assistance.
Gives up entirely OR plows on without trying to understand the story.
Student reads the entire period. This may be independent reading or done with adult or peer assistance, as assigned.
Student reads almost all (80% or more) of the period.
Student reads some (50% or more) of the time.
Student wastes a lot of reading time.
Student knows the title of the story as well as the names and descriptions of the important characters. Can tell approximately when and where the story happened.
Student knows the names and descriptions of the important characters and where the story takes place.
Student knows the names OR descriptions of the important characters in the story.
Student has trouble naming and describing the characters in the story.
Student is lost in the story. There's no looking around or flipping through the pages.
Student seems to be enjoying and moving through the story, but takes some short breaks.
Student seems to be reading the story, but doesn't seem to be very interested. Takes a few short breaks.
Pretends to read the story. Mostly looks around or fiddles with things.
Student accurately describes what has happened in the story and tries to predict "what will happen next."
Student accurately describes what has happened in the story.
Student accurately describes most of what happened in the story.
Student has difficulty re-telling the story.
Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story and points out some pictures or words to support his interpretation without being asked.
Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story, but does not provide support for the interpretation unless asked.
Student describes how different characters might have felt at different points in the story, but does NOT provide good support for the interpretation, even when asked
Student cannot describe how different characters might have felt at different points in the story.