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Rubric ID: 2386369
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    Research Report : Web Quest on 'A Midsimmer Night's Dream'

Imaginative, lively approach to the task, original and engaging audience.
Thoughtful approach to the task and engaging interest.
Consistent focus on relevant content and form. Some sustained imagination.
Work will attempt to be relevant and will show some grasp of the topic.
Writing skills
Tightly controlled appropriate structure, ideas developed in logical and effective manner. Very directed writing.
Effective structure with a strong sense of purpose, clear exposition of ideas.
Clear structure that fits the task, may drift in and out of focus at times.
Lacks structure, digresses and rambles. Lacks organization.
Mechanics (Use of language)
Mature, fluent and a high level of technical accuracy. Language is used effectively to explain issues.
Language used effectively, occasional technical errors will not impede expression.
Clear expression but some technical errors (confusion of tenses, wrong subject/verb agreement...)
Expression is unclear, technical inaccuracy. This impedes on students\\' ability to create an overall impression.

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