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Rubric ID: 2319460
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    Story Telling : My Favorite Tale

Uses a varied vocabulary appropriate for the audience, and also successfully tries to enlarge the audience\\'s vocabulary.
Uses a varied vocabulary that is appropriate for the audience.
Uses a varied vocabulary that is occasionally a little to simple or a little too hard for the audience.
The vocabulary was not varied OR was routinely inappropriate for the intended audience.
Retells story in correct sequence leaving out no important parts of story.
Retells story in sequence with 2-3 omissions.
Retells story with several omissions, but maintains sequence of those told.
Retells story out of sequence.
Lots of vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story takes place.
Some vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story takes place.
The audience can figure out when and where the story took place, but there isn\\'t much detail (e.g., once upon a time in a land far, far away).
The audience has trouble telling when and where the story takes place.
The main characters are named and clearly described (through words and/or actions). The audience knows and can describe what the characters look like and how they typically behave.
The main characters are named and described (through words and/or actions). The audience has a fairly good idea of what the characters look like.
The main characters are named. The audience knows very little about the main characters.
It is hard to tell who the main characters are.
It is very easy for the audience to understand what problem the main character(s) face and why it is a problem.
It is fairly easy for the audience to understand what problem the main character(s) face and why it is a problem.
It is fairly easy for the audience to understand what problem the main character(s) face and but it is not clear why it is a problem.
It is not clear what problem the main character(s) face.
Solution to Problem in Story
The solution to the problem is easy-to-understand and is logical. There are no loose ends.
The solution to the problem is easy-to-understand and is somewhat logical.
The solution to the problem was a little hard to understand.
No solution was attempted or it was impossible to understand.
Knows the Story
The storyteller knows the story well and has obviously practiced telling the story several times. There is no need for notes and the speaker speaks with confidence.
The storyteller knows the story pretty well and has practiced telling the story once or twice. May need notes once or twice, but the speaker is relatively confident.
The storyteller knows some of the story, but did not appear to have practiced. May need notes 3-4 times, and the speaker appears ill-at-ease.
The storyteller could not tell the story without using notes.
Audience Contact
Storyteller looks at and tells the story to all members of the audience.
Storyteller looks at and tells the story to a few people in the audience.
Storyteller looks at and tells the story to 1-2 people in the audience.
Storyteller does not look at or try to involve the audience.
Always speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Is easily understood by all audience members all the time
Usually speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Is easily understood by all audience members almost all the time.
Usually speaks loudly and clearly. Speaks so fast sometimes that audience has trouble understanding.
Speaks too softly or mumbles. The audience often has trouble understanding.
The student uses consistent voices, facial expressions and movements to make the characters more believable and the story more easily understood.
The student often uses voices, facial expressions and movements to make the characters more believable and the story more easily understood.
The student tries to use voices, facial expressions and movements to make the characters more believable and the story more easily understood.
The student tells the story but does not use voices, facial expressions or movement to make the storytelling more interesting or clear.
Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are creative, clearly expressed and appropriate.
Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are clearly expressed and appropriate.
Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are sometimes hard to figure out. More detail or better transitions are needed.
The story seems very disconnected and it is very difficult to figure out the story.
Accuracy of Retelling A Story
The storyteller includes all major points and several details of the story s/he is retelling.
The storyteller includes all major points and 1-2 details of the story s/he is retelling.
The storyteller includes all major points of the story s/he is retelling.
The storyteller forgets major points of the story s/he is retelling.
The storytelling lasts 5-7 minutes.
The storytelling lasts 4 or 8 minutes.
The storytelling lasts 9 minutes.
The storytelling lasts less than 3 minutes or more than 9 minutes.
Written Copy
The student turns in an attractive and complete copy of the story in the correct format.
The student turns in a complete copy of the story in the correct format.
The student turns in an complete copy of the story, but the format was not correct.
The student turns in an incomplete copy of the story.

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