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Rubric ID: 2258632
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    Elementary General Music Rubric for Standards & Benchmarks : vocabulary & Pronunciation with Song via Internet

Standard 4, Benchmark 1 - Forms opinions about music
Student may have an opinion about music, but is unable to support it with valid criteria.
Student expresses valid opinions about music and supports his/her opinions.
Student is able to compare/contrast musical styles and support opinions about music choices.
Standard 2 - Read & Notate Music
Student is unable to identify, define, or write age appropriate musical symbols
Student is able to name, define, and write age appropriate musical symbols.
Student is able to name, define, and write musical symbols above their grade level.
Standard 4, Benchmark 2 - Describe musical events
Student is unable to identify musical events (such as form or climax) in a piece of music.
Student uses age appropriate musical vocabulary to describe the form and events in a piece of music.
Student uses musical vocabulary to compare/contrast musical events of different genres.
Standard 3 - Create Music
Student has great trouble composing or improvising music, and needs much help from the teacher.
Given a framework, student can compose or improvise music and perform it correctly.
Student is able to write or improvise creative pieces of music in various styles showing creativity above most students.
Standard 1, Benchmark 1 - Sing Diatonic Melody
Student uses a speaking voice or sings more than 50% of the pitches incorrectly.
Student sings diatonic melody in tune using an appropriate voice.
Student not only sings in tune, but also demonstrates excellent tone quality for his/her age.
Standard 1, Benchmark 2 - Perform Rhythmic Patterns
Student cannot perform pattern without help from the teacher.
Student performs the pattern correctly without help from teacher.
Student is not only correct, but also performs the pattern fluently.
Standard 5 - Music & Other Disciplines
Students is unable to define how music relates to culture, history, and other school subjects.
Student can identify several ways how music relates to culture, history, and other school subjects.
Student draws parallels between the development of music and culture, history, and other school subjects.

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