The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is used consistently and improves readability.
The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.
The fonts are consistent and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.
A wide variety of fonts, styles and point sizes was used.
The site has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is carried out throughout the site.
The site has a clearly stated purpose and theme, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it.
The purpose and theme of the site is somewhat muddy or vague.
The site lacks a purpose and theme.
There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
There are 1-3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
There are 4-5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
There are more than 5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar in the final draft of the Web site.
Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for all borrowed material. No material is included from Web sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained.
Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for almost all borrowed material. No material is included from Web sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained.
Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for most borrowed material. No material is included from Web sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained.
Borrowed materials are not properly documented OR material was borrowed without permission from a site that requires permission
The author has made an exceptional attempt to make the content of this Web site interesting to the people for whom it is intended.
The author has tried to make the content of this Web site interesting to the people for whom it is intended.
The author has put lots of information in the Web site but there is little evidence that the person tried to present the information in an interesting way.
The author has provided only the minimum amount of information and has not transformed the information to make it more interesting to the audience (e.g., has only provided a list of links to the content of others).
Partners show respect for one another's ideas, divide the work fairly, and show a commitment to quality work and support for each other.
Partners show respect for one another's ideas and divide the work fairly. There is commitment by some members toward quality work and support of one another.
Partners show respect for one another's ideas and divide the work fairly. There is little evidence of a commitment toward quality work in the group.
Partners argue or are disrepectful of other's ideas and input. Criticism is not constructive nor is support offered. The work is mostly done by one or two people.
The author has made an exceptional attempt to make the content of this Web site interesting to the people for whom it is intended.
The author has tried to make the content of this Web site interesting to the people for whom it is intended.
The author has put lots of information in the Web site but there is little evidence that the person tried to present the information in an interesting way.
The author has provided only the minimum amount of information and has not transformed the information to make it more interesting to the audience (e.g., has only provided a list of links to the content of others).
All images, especially those that are used for navigation, have an ALT tag that describes the image and its link so people who are visually impaired can use the Web site well.
All images used for navigation have an ALT tag that describes the image and where it links to so people who are visually impaired can use the Web site well.
Most images used for navigation have an ALT tag that describes the image and where it links to so people who are visually impaired can use the Web site well.
The needs of visually impaired Internet users are ignored.
Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links form a pleasing palette, do not detract from the content, and are consistent across pages.
Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links do not detract from the content, and are consistent across pages.
Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links do not detract from the content.
Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links make the content hard to read or otherwise distract the reader.