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Rubric ID: 2077795
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    Book Trailer (mini movie/report)

Academy Award (10)
Nominee (Average+ 7)
An Off Day (-Average 4)
Low Rating (1)
Presentation (Persuasion)
Trailer or movie flows smoothly, captivating the attention of the audience and compelling the viewer to read the book.
The trailer holds the attention of the audience. The viewer becomes interested in the book.
The trailer doesn't flow quite as smoothly and needs obvious improvements to persuade the viewer to want to read the book.
The scenes are choppy and transitions are abrupt, causing confusion to the audience. The viewer is not inclined to read the book.
Content (Plot/Storyline)
Important scenes or key themes from from the book have been creatively presented. Content is clear to the viewer.
There is one key scene or them from the book presented. the viewer is only generally aware of the book's content.
The content of the book has not been made clear to the viewer, though parts of the book have been included.
There is no scene in the trailer that would suggest the producer (student) has read the book. Content is unclear.
Image quality is excellent.
Image quality is average.
Image quality is below average.
Image quality is not acceptable.
The producer (student) has obviously organized contents of the trailer using notes, guides or a story board to make a quality presentation.
The producer (student) created a quick production without thought to smooth transitions or flow to scenes.
The producer (student) used sloppy editing to create a below average presentation.
The producer (student) did not use organizational tools and did not plan any scenes for the trailer.
Exemplary effort on the part of the producer (student). Great presentation!
Exceptional effort on the part of the producer (student). Good presentation!
The producer (student) made a quick effort to produce the trailer. Presentation could have been better.
The producer (student) did not listen to instructions and did not try to attempt the project at all.

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