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Rubric ID: 1962894
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    Making A Map : Solar System Diorama Display

Title tells the purpose/content of the map, is clearly distinguishable as the title (e.g. larger letters, underlined, etc), and is printed at the top of the display.
Title tells the purpose/content of the map and is printed at the top of the display.
Title tells the purpose/content of the map, but is not located at the top of the display.
Purpose/content of the display is not clear from the title.
Labels - Accuracy
All of the items are labeled and located correctly. The labels can be read easily.
Most of the items are labeled and located correctly. Most of the labels can be read easily.
Some of the items are labeled and located correctly. Some of the labels are difficult to read.
Less than half of the items are labeled and located correctly. Most of the labels are difficult to read.
Color Choices
Student always uses appropriate colors for the features on the display.
Student usually uses appropriate colors for the features on the display.
Student sometimes uses appropriate colors for the features on the display.
Student does not use appropriate colors for the features on the display.
All of words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.
Most of the words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.
Some of the words on the map are spelled and capitalized correctly.
Less than half of the words on the map are spelled and/or capitalized correctly.
Accurate Facts
The locations of the sun, planets, and other features are completely accurate.
One of the locations of the sun, planets, or other features are inaccurate.
2-3 of the locations of the sun, planets, or other features are inaccurate.
4 or more of the locations of the sun, planets, or other features are inaccurate.
The display is colorful, eye-catching, and clean. It is apparent that the student put in a great deal of time and effort.
Most of the display is colorful and clean. The student worked hard on the project.
The display contains some distracting marks and/or is somewhat messy.
The display is difficult to read and/or follow. The student needed to slow down and take more time in completing the project.

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