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Rubric ID: 1892346
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    Building A Structure : Rube Goldberg Project

Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for designated components.
Plan is mostly neat with clear measurements and labeling for designated components.
Plan somewhat provides clear measurements and labeling for designated components.
Plan does not show measurements clearly or is otherwise inadequately labeled.
Scientific Knowledge
Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of simple machines and energy transfers. Students have identified at least two energy transfers. Calculated at least one point potential energy and one point kinetic energy.
Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding simple machines and energy transfers. Students have identified at least two energy transfers. Calculated at least one point potential energy and one point kinetic energy.
Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding simple machines and energy transfers. Students have identified at least two energy transfers. Calculated at least one point potential energy and one point kinetic energy. One or more of these points may be missing.
Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding simple machines and energy transfers. Students have identified at least two energy transfers. Calculated at least one point potential energy and one point kinetic energy. More than one of these points may be missing.
Construction - Care Taken
Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately.
Construction was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive product.
Construction accurately followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive product.
Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product.
Project shows much creativity, is original and insightful. Students obviously put much effort into making their project relevant and unique.
Project shows some creativity, is original and insightful. Students put effort into making their project relevant and unique.
Project shows limited creativity, is not original and or insightful. Students did not seem to put much effort into making their project relevant and unique.
Project shows limited to no creativity, is not original and or insightful. Students may even have gotten the idea from the internet. Students did not put much effort into making their project relevant or unique.
Students answered questions thoughtfully and accurately. They were easy to hear and understand and were interesting to follow. Students had great command of their subject.
Students basically answered questions thoughtfully and accurately. They were easy to hear and understand and were interesting to follow (one or more of these things may be missing). Students had command of their subject.
Students basically answered questions thoughtfully and accurately. They were easy to hear and understand and were interesting to follow (one or more of these things may be missing). Students did not have command of their subject.
Students did not answer questions thoughtfully and accurately. They were not easy to hear or understand and were not interesting to follow. Students did not have command of their subject.

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