Student is an attentive listener during lecture and discussion. Studentt is participating in group discussions.
Student is an attentive listener during some lectures and discussions. Student is limited on amount of participation during discussion.
Student is very limited on the amount of listening during lecture and discussion. Student has little to no participation during discussion.
Stays on task all (100-90%) of the time.
Stays on task most (89-80%) of the time.
Stays on task some (79%-0%) of the time.
Several entries made and all are dated and neat.
Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and legible.
Few entries are made AND/OR many entries are not dated or very difficult to read.
Student completes worksheets with neatness and accuracy.
Student finishes worksheets with little neatness or accuracy.
Student finishes worksheet but lacks neatness or accuracy
ALL investigations have been completed. All parts of each investigation have been completed.
Most ivestigations have been completed. Most parts of each investigation have been completed.
Not all investigations have been completed. Few or no parts of each investigation have been completed.
All questions were answered correctly (100%).
Most questions were answered correctly (99-75%).
Only a few questions were answered correctly (74-0%).