The main characters are named and clearly described in text as well as pictures. Most readers could describe the characters accurately.
The main characters are named and described. Most readers would have some idea of what the characters looked like.
The main characters are named. The reader knows very little about the characters.
It is hard to tell who the main characters are.
The final draft of the character log is readable, clean, neat and attractive. It is free of erasures and crossed-out words. It looks like the author took great pride in it.
The final draft of the character log is readable, neat and attractive. It may have one or two erasures, but they are not distracting. It looks like the author took some pride in it.
The final draft of the character log is readable and some of the pages are attractive. It looks like parts of it might have been done in a hurry.
The final draft of the character log is not neat or attractive. It looks like the student just wanted to get it done and didn't care what it looked like.
There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft. Character and place names that the author invented are spelled consistently throughout.
There is one spelling or punctuation error in the final draft.
There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft.
The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors.