Important in their time
Important 10 years later
Important 50 years later
Important 100 years later and more
Did not further American ideals
Significant impact on American ideals
Major promotion of American ideals
Permanent and profound furtherance of American ideals
Little/no impact on American prosperity
Some impact on American economic success
Significant positive impact on American prosperity
Major impact on American economic success and prosperity
Little/no impact outside of U.S.
Moderate impact on America's reputation OR influence of some impact on both
Major positive impact on America's reputation OR influence, or moderate impact on both
Major positive impact on America's reputation AND influence
Did not make America a significantly better place or only for a few people
Made America a better place in some ways for some people
Made America a better place in tangible ways for most people
Made America a better place in important ways for everybody
Did not spend significant time directly helping others
Spent some time directly helping other people
Spent a lot of time directly helping other people
Dedicated their lives to directly helping other people