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Rubric ID: 1524064
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    Video - Talk Show : Video- News Package

Videography -Clarity
Video did not rock/shake and the focus was excellent throughout.
Video did not rock/shake and the focus was excellent for the majority of the video.
Video had a little rocking/shaking, but the focus was excellent throughout .
Problems with rocking/shaking AND focus.
Many different "takes", camera angles, sound effects, and/or careful of use of zoom provided variety in the video.
Several (2-3) different "takes", camera angles, sound effects, and/or careful of use of zoom provided variety in the video.
One or two different "takes", camera angles, sound effects, and/or careful of use of zoom provided variety in the video.
Little attempt was made to provide variety in the video.
Length of Video
Video was over 1 minute and 30 seconds long.
Video was between 1 minute and 1 minute and 30 seconds long.
Video was under 1 minute long
Video was less than 30 seconds
Lower Thirds
All titles are accurate, legible and draw the viewer's attention.
Most titles are accurate, legible and draw the viewer's attention.
Some titles are accurate, legible and draw the viewer's attention.
Few (less than 75%) titles are accurate, legible and draw the viewer's attention.
All talent showed excellent knowledge of content, needing no cues and showing no hesitation in talking or answering questions.
All talent showed excellent knowledge of content, but 1-2 students once needed help or note cards to talk or answer questions.
Most talent showed excellent knowledge of content, but 1-2 often needed help or note cards to talk or answer questions.
Most talent needed help or note cards to talk and to answer questions.
Questions & Answers
Host was prepared and talent provided excellent. om-depth answers supported by facts were provided by all interviewed
Questions asked by the host and appropriate, but brief answers were provided by all interviewed
Questions asked by the host were awkward and vague answers were provided by several of the people interviewed
Answers were unclear and served no purpose in the interview

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