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Rubric ID: 1498652
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    CO2 Grading Rubric

20 Points
15 Points
10 Points
5 points
It is evident that you put a lot of time and effort in the design of this car.
You put some time into this project.
You didn't spend much time designing your car.
It's a door stop with wheels.
Your finished product and your original design look alike. Your plan was followed exactly.
Your finished product and your original design look similar. You followed parts of your plan.
Your finished product and your original design look nothing alike.
No original design.
Specifications were all met.
Most of the specifications were met.
Few of the specifications were met.
None of the specifications were met.
Car is symmetrical. Band saw and file cuts have been removed. Car was sanded with both types of sand paper. You took your time and the car was completely smooth.
Car is symmetrical. Even though you sanded with both types of sand paper, more that two band saw and file cuts are present.
Car is symmetrical. Even though you sanded with both types of sand paper, more that four band saw and file cuts are present.
Car is not symmetrical. Sanding is not evident.
Finish Quality
Your finish is extremely smooth.
Your finish is fairly smooth.
Your finish is rough.
You did not apply a finish.
Car weighed 40 - 80 grams.
Car weighed 80 - 120 grams.
Car weighed 120 - 200 grams.
Car weighed over 200 grams.
Safety Rules
The student followed all safety rules. The student never had to be reminded of the safety rules.
The student followed most of the safety rules. The student had to be reminded to follow safety rules.
The student followed few of the safety rules. The student had to be reminded over and over again to follow safety rules.
The student did not follow safety rules. The student is a hazzard to other students safety as well as their own.
Behavior in classroom
The student acted appropriately at all times in the classroom while others worked in the production lab.
The student acted appropriately most of the time in the classroom while others worked in the production lab.
The student seldom acted appropriately in the classroom while others worked in the production lab.
The student never acted appropriately in the classroom while others worked in the production lab.
Best race time
Less than 1 second.
Between 1 second and 1.3 seconds
Between 1.3 seconds and 1.5 seconds
Greater than 1.5 seconds

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