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Rubric ID: 1435804
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    BBST Generic Assignment

Answers all parts of the assignment
Most assignments have multiple parts (questions presented or tasks assigned). If the assignment does not include an explicit breakdown, or doesn't break down finely enough, the submission separates the assignment into components. The submission includes a separate section for each component. Each section indicates what question or task it addresses.
Breaks the assignment into components (or follows the breakdown provided) and provides a separate section for each and every component. If there is no answer for some component, that section is clearly labeled and left blank.
Almost the same as professional, but a slightly smaller portion of the question is answered.
Answers most (or all) parts of the assignment. However, the submission does not address each question or task in a separate section, so it is difficult for the reader to determine what parts of the assignment the student has attempted to answer.
Answers some parts of the assignment but does not tie specific comments to specific parts of the assignment. The submission also includes irrelevant text (comments that are not directly responsive to any part of the assignment), making it even more difficult to determine what parts of the assignment the student has attempted to answer.
Responsiveness to the assignment
The answer to each section clearly relates to the task or question that was posed by the assignment. Work includes several supporting details and/or examples.
The answer to each section clearly relates to the task or question that was posed by the assignment. Work includes few supporting details and/or examples.
The answer to each section clearly relates to the task or question that was posed by the assignment. Few or weak supporting details and/or examples.
The submission relates to some aspects of the assignment but details or examples are weak or not directly relevant to the task or question that was asked.
Information has little or nothing to do with the assignment.
Evidence of skill
To the extent that the assignment requires skilled use of a technique, the student's work demonstrates mastery.
Competent application of the technique.
Same as professional
Applies the technique, but not particularly well. Makes mistakes, overlooks relevant information, or wastes time.
Incompetent use of the technique, or use of the wrong technique.
Evidence of knowledge
To the extent that the assignment requires knowledge of assigned readings and video, the submission demonstrates a clear knowledge of all of the facts and issues in the assigned sources that are relevant to the question asked or the task assigned.
Demonstrates knowledge of the relevant facts and issues in the assigned sources.
same as professional
Demonstrates knowledge of some of the relevant facts and issues in the assigned sources but misses points or fails to tie them well to the question asked or the task assigned.
Writing fails to demonstrate any knowledge of required reading, instead relying solely on one's own opinion and personal experience to offer supporting details and/or examples.
Evidence of background knowledge
Writing demonstrates command of the relevant professional literature beyond that which was assigned and draws on that knowledge to offer supporting details and/or examples. May also draw on rich, relevant personal experience.
Writing demonstrates knowledge of secondary and web resources beyond the assigned reading. Draws on that knowledge, along with relevant personal experience to offer supporting details and/or examples.
Writing demonstrates a reasonable attempt to gain and use knowledge of professional, secondary and web resources beyond the assigned reading.
Writing demonstrates knowledge of the assigned reading. Contribution draws on the reading, along with personal experience to offer supporting details and/or examples.
Writing fails to demonstrate any knowledge beyond the required reading.
Quality of writing
Writing is clearly organized with a thesis statement and carefully written paragraphs (introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence) in support of that thesis.
Writing is clearly organized with a clear point. Most paragraphs are carefully written (introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence) and contribute to the purpose.
Writing is well organized. Most paragraphs are carefully written and convey the intended message in a logical structure.
Writing lacks organization, but manages to convey the intended message. Paragraphs are disorganized, but coherent.
Writing lacks organization and a message.
No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors
Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors (same as Professional)
A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors.
A distracting number of grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
Writer attributes ideas to others as appropriate and includes sufficient relevant details and information to allow readers to locate sources.
Writer attributes ideas to others as appropriate and includes sufficient relevant details and information to allow readers to locate sources. (Same as Expert)
Writer attributes ideas to others as appropriate and attempts to include relevant details and information to allow readers to locate sources.
Writer attributes ideas to others as appropriate, but fails to include relevant details and information to allow readers to locate sources.
Writer fails to attribute ideas to others as appropriate.

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