Very Neat, Very Colorful, Very relevant
Neat, Colorful, Somewhat relevant
Somewhat neat, Few colors
Not relevant, No colors
Affected parts are very well defined and explained.
Affected parts are defined and mentioned.
Affected parts are mentioned in passing.
No parts are mentioned.
Causes of the disease are well explained.
Causes of the disease are explained but not to a great detail.
Causes of the disease are mentioned.
No causes are mentioned.
Symptoms (what happens to the Eye/Ear) are well explained.
Symptoms are explained but not to great detail.
Symptoms are mentioned in passing.
No symptoms are mentioned.
Treatments of the disease are well explained.
Treatments are explained but not to great detail.
Treatments are mentioned in passing
No cure nor treatments are mentioned.
What people can do to prevent the disease is well explained.
Preventions are explained but not to great detail.
Preventions are mentioned in passing
No mention of preventing the disease.