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Rubric ID: 1039553
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    Group Planning -- Research Project : Teaching Teachers Effective Strategies for Working with Children with Autism

Explanation from research of strategies
Can explain three different strategies
Can explain two different strategies
Can explain one strategy
Can explain only minimal aspects of the strategies
Teacher is able to set up a structured classroom and a social story and explain its relevance
Teacher is able to set up either a structured classroom or write a social story and explain its relevance
Teacher is able to set up either a structured classroom or write a social story but gives little information of its relevance
Teacher gives minimal input to set up a structured classroom or for writing a social story
Understanding of strategies
Has good understanding of how strategies would apply to their students
Has some understanding of two strategies and how it could apply to their students
Has some understanding of one strategy and how it could appy to their students
Has little understanding of how any of the strategies would apply to their students but can name the strategies
Group Particitpation
Worked well with team members and added unique ideas to the projects
Worked well with team members by taking direction from others and adding some unique ideas
Worked well with team members by following the lead of others
Worked independent of teams members for most of the projects adding only minimal input to project completion

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