Gives detailed history with founder, place of origin and important dates.
Lists the founder, place of origin and important dates.
Tells two of the following: founder, place of origin or important dates.
Tells one of the following: founder, place of origin or important dates.
Gives detailed description of the sacred days, leaders, and basic beliefs.
States sacred days, leaders and basic beliefs with little detail.
Lists the leaders, sacred days and basic beliefs.
List at least two of the following: sacred days, leaders and basic beliefs.
Gives detailed account of more than 3 objects that are held in esteem by the religion.
Gives account of 3 objects held in esteem by the religion.
States 3 or more objects that are sacred according to the religion.
Lists less than 3 objects that are sacred according to the religion.
Gives detailed structure and roles of each of the people involved in the religion, leaders and parishoners.
Outlines roles and tells who leaders are for the religion.
States and defines leadership roles only.
States who is the leader and nothing else.
Pamphlet is colorful and appealing to the eye with no mistakes and photos.
Pamphlet has photos and is colorful with minor mistakes.
Pamphlet has mistakes and less than 3 photos and little color.
Pamphlet has many mistakes and 1 photo.