The main characters are named and clearly described (through words and/or actions). The audience knows and can describe what the characters look like and how they typically behave.
The main characters are named and described (through words and/or actions). The audience has a fairly good idea of what the characters look like.
The main characters are named. The audience knows very little about the main characters.
It is hard to tell who the main characters are.
Retells story in correct sequence leaving out no important parts of story.
Retells story in sequence with 2-3 omissions.
Retells story with several omissions, but maintains sequence of those told.
Retells story out of sequence.
Always speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Is easily understood by all audience members all the time
Usually speaks loudly, slowly and clearly. Is easily understood by all audience members almost all the time.
Usually speaks loudly and clearly. Speaks so fast sometimes that audience has trouble understanding.
Speaks too softly or mumbles. The audience often has trouble understanding.
Storyteller tells a very exaggerated, humorous tale that makes audience laugh.
Storyteller tells a tale full of exaggeration.
Storyteller has some exaggeration in his story.
Storyteller does not exaggerate very much or not at all.
Always listens attentively to other storytellers. Is polite and does not appear bored or make distracting gestures or sounds.
Usually listens attentively to other storytellers. Rarely appears bored and never makes distracting gestures or sounds.
Usually listens to other storytellers, but sometimes appears bored. Might once or twice accidentally make a gesture or sound that is distracting.
Does not listen attentively. Tries to distract the storytellers, makes fun of them, or does other things instead of listening.