The display has 5 or more different
items that represent the community.
The display has 4 different items. At least 3 of these items represent the community.
The display has at least 3 different items. At least 2 of these items represent the community.
The display has less than 3 items or the items do not represent the community.
Each item has a descriptive paragraph telling about the item, how it represents the community and why it is imporant to you.
Each item has a paragraph describing the item and telling how it represents the community or why it is important to you.
Each item has a paragraph, but some lack required information.
One or more items do not have a descriptive paragraph.
The poster display is attractive and well-organized. Each item and it's paragraph is clearly visable. The paragraph is neatly typed.
The poster display is attractive and well-organized. Items are clearly visable and the paragraphs are neatly typed or handwritten.
The poster display is somewhat organized. Some items or paragraphs may not be clearly visable. Paragraphs may be somewhat difficult to read.
The poster display is not organized OR items and paragraphs are missing. Paragraphs that are included may be illegible.