The poster includes all required elements.
The poster is missing 1 requirement.
The poster is missing 2 requirement.
The poster is missing more than 2 requirement.
The poster looks great/neat and everything is well placed.
The poster looks good.
The poster could use work.
The poster is messy.
All words are spelled correctly.
One misspelled word.
Two misspelled words.
More than two misspelled words.
The poster has no punctuation and capitalization mistakes.
The poster has 1 punctuation and capitalization mistake.
The poster has 2 punctuation and capitalization mistakes.
The poster has more than 2 punctuation and capitalization mistakes.
The poster has at least 5 favorites.
The poster has at least 4 favorites.
The poster has at least 3 favorites.
The poster has less than 3 favorites.
Poster has at least 3 pictures.
Poster has at least 2 pictures.
Poster has at least 1 picture.
Poster has no pictures.