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Rubric ID: 2240821
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    Building the Display: PRISMS Showcase-A Justified Rubric

4  Over and Above
3  Above Average
2  Proficient
1  Weak
Graphics -Clarity
What did you do to go over and above?
Graphics are in focus and color contrasts makes the content easily viewed and identified from more than 6 ft. away.
Most graphics are in focus and color contrasts makes the content is easily viewed and identified from 4 ft. away.
Many graphics are not clear or are too small; poor color contrast makes type difficult to read.
Graphics - Relevance
What did you do to go over and above?
All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.
All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation.
Graphics do not relate to the topic and/or several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.
Knowledge Gained
What did you do to go over and above?
The display has the topic information that answers the essential question.
The display shows adequate knowledge about the topic falls short of completely answering the essential question.
The display has insufficient knowledge about the topic to answer the essential question.
What did you do to go over and above?
There were no errors in capitalization, punctuation, or spelling.
There is only 1 error in capitalization, punctuation, or spelling.
There are more than 2 errors in capitalization, punctuation, or spelling.
Graphics - Originality
What did you do to go over and above?
Most of the graphics reflect student creativity in their creation; labels, captions, and bylines evident.
The graphics are made by the student, but based on the designs or ideas of others; some had captions, labels, or bylines.
No or few of the graphics on the display were made by the student; captions, bylines, labels were omitted.

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