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Rubric ID: 2229841
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    Newspaper : Black, White, and Red All Over: Macbeth Newspaper

Layout - Headlines & Captions
All articles have headlines that capture the reader's attention and accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline.
All articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline.
Most articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline.
Articles are missing bylines OR many articles do not have adequate headlines.
Articles - Interest
The articles contain facts, figures, and/or word choices that make the articles exceptionally interesting to readers. Relates clearly to the readers the writer's purpose.
The articles contain facts, figures, and/or word choices that make the articles interesting to readers. Relates what the writer's purpose.
The article contains some facts or figures but is marginally interesting to read. Somewhat relates
The article does not contain facts or figures that might make it interesting to read.
Editorials - Worthwhile
The information was accurate and there was a clear reason for including the editorial in the newspaper. Relates a clear, concise argument relating to Macbeth.
The information was accurate and there was a fairly good reason for including the editorial in the newspaper. Relates an argument relating to Macbeth, but it may not have a clear ending/point.
The information was occasionally inaccurate or misleading, but there was a clear reason for including the editorial in the newspaper. Relates an argument relating to Macbeth, but lacks supporting points
The information was typically inaccurate, misleading or libelous. Does not relate at all to Macbeth OR has no valid points OR is slanderous.
Spelling and Proofreading
No spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people [in addition to the editor] read and correct the newspaper.
A couple of spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people [in addition to the editor] read and correct the newspaper.
No more than 3 spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people [in addition to the editor] read and correct the newspaper.
Several spelling or grammar errors remain in the final copy of the newspaper.
Group Work
Assignments were evenly divided, work was done in a timely manner, and everyone was heard through the group. Work divided worksheet was submitted.
Writing assignments were somewhat divided evenly, work was submitted in a timely manner, but listening skills weren't implemented. Work divided worksheet was submitted.
Writing assignments were not divided evenly - there was clearly one person doing most of the work. Work was not submitted in a timely manner, and no one listened. Work divided worksheet was not submitted.
One person did all of the work, assignments were submitted late [if at all] and everyone worked independently. Work divided worksheet was not submitted.
The presentation is very clear and highlights the essential parts of the newspaper
The presentation is mostly informative and highlights essential parts of the newspaper.
The presentation is somewhat informative and highlights some parts of the newspaper.
The presentation lacks crucial information from the newspaper and does not cover the information.
Pictures are in focus, well-cropped, and clearly relate to the articles they accompany. All pictures have captions that adequately describe the people and action in the graphic.
Pictures are in focus and are clearly related to the articles they accompany. All pictures have captions.
70-100% of the pictures are clearly related to the articles they accompany. Most pictures have captions.
More than 20% of the pictures are not clearly related to the articles OR no pictures were used OR many pictures do not have captions.

Date Created: September 27, 2012
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