Always willing to help. Pleasant and cooperative. Cheerfully volunteers to help library patrons. Always maintains positive attitude.
Frequently willing to help. Frequently pleasant and cooperative. Enjoys helping library patrons. Frequently maintains positive attitude.
Sometimes willing to help. Is sometimes unpleasant and uncooperative. Waits to be asked to help library patrons. Sometimes exhibits positive attitude.
Rarely helpful. Uncooperative. Uncooperative to work with. Rarely helps library patrons. Does not demonstrate positive attitude.
Takes the duties of library staff seriously. Always takes initiative to find things to do in addition to regular tasks. Able to work without direction.
Frequently takes the initiative to find work to do. Able to work without direction most of the time.
Requires direction to completes daily duties. Does not do additional duties unless assigned. Only willing to help when asked. Must be directed most of the time.
Does not complete daily duties. Always waits to be assigned a task. Socializes with other students or does work for another class. Rarely asks for additional duties.
Completes 90% of the library lessons. (Blogs, Shelfari, etc)
Completes 80 % of library lessons.
Completes 70 % of library lessons.
Completes less than 60 % of library lessons.
Maintains shelves daily All books in sections are in strict order using the Dewey Decimal System. Shelves are attractive, clean and dust free.
Maintains shelves frequently. Shelves are clean, neat and in correct order
Does not maintain shelves unless asked. Books are not displayed attractively, are out of order and dusty.
Maintain shelves only under direct supervision. Many books are out of order. Shelves appear sloppy.
Student reads 1 books every 2 weeks or 10 books per semester books and regularly writes thoughtful review on Shelfari. Student always contributes to Shelfari discussions.
Student has read at least 8 books per semester and all are reviewed on Shelfari. Student regularly contributes to Shelfari discussions.
Student has read at least 7 books. Most have been reviewed on Shelfari. Student sometime contributes to Shelfari discussions.
Student has read less than 7 books per semester. Student rarely contributes to Shelfari.
Student always follows book processing procedures. Student knows how to check in/out books and shelves books correctly.
Student usually follows book processing procedures or asks for help if necessary. Student recognizes importance of proper processing and shelving.
Student follows circulation desk procedures when directed by others. Student does not ask for help when necessary. Student does not shelf books unless asked.
Student rarely follows circulation desk procedures and rarely takes the duties of book processing seriously. Books are not shelved correctly.
Student has an excellent knowledge of how the library is organized and is able to locate information using OPAC in order to find a book on the shelf.
Student has a good knowledge of library organization, practice and procedure and can use OPAC to locate books on shelves.
Student has an average knowledge of library organization, practice and procedure but is not confident in the use of OPAC to locate books on shelves.
Student does not understand how the library is organized and can not assist in the location of materials using OPAC.