Captivates and involves the reader deeply.
Well focused and interests reader throughout.
Some focus, but lacks continuity.
Unfocused; author seems unsure of direction.
Vivid, detailed images are used consistently in the poem.
Clear use of sensory images in the majority of the poem.
Some use of image, idea, or emotion.
Difficult to visualize image or emotion.
Rich, imaginative, and expressive word choice.
Appropriate choice of language.
Word choice expresses thoughts to a limited degree.
Inappropriate or imprecise word choice.
No spelling or grammar mistakes. If handwritten, best handwriting was used and is easy to read. If typed, font is easy to read and is an appropriate size and color.
A few (less than 3) spelling or grammar mistakes. If handwritten, good handwriting was used and is fairly easy to read. If typed, font, size, and color are fairly easy to read.
Several (4-5) spelling or grammar mistakes. If handwritten, parts are hard to read. If typed, font, size, or color is hard to read.
6 or more grammar or spelling mistakes. If handwritten, very difficult to read. If typed, font, color, and size are very difficult to read.