Researchers independently identify at least 3 reasonable, insightful, creative ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Researchers independently identify at least 3 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Researchers identify, with some adult help, at least 3 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Researchers identify, with considerable adult help, 3 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research.
Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final research product. All students can independently explain the planned organization of the research findings.
Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information in the final research product. All students can independently explain this plan.
Students need adult assistance to develop a plan for organizing the information as it is gathered. All students can independently explain some of this plan.
Students have no clear plan for organizing the information AND/OR students in the group cannot explain their organizational plan.
Researchers independently locate at least 2 reliable, interesting information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions.
Researchers independently locate at least 1 reliable information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions.
Researchers reequire adult help to locate both of their reliable information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions.
Researchers are unable to locate any research information without extensive adult help.
Researchers have included a world map in the presentation that is attractive and correctly marked identifying the origin of their researched puppet.
Researchers have included a world map in the presentation that is correctly marked identifying the origin of their researched puppet.
Researchers have included a world map in the presentation where the origin of their researched puppet is identified in the correct continent but is not precise.
Researchers have either not included a world map or have grossly misidentified the location of origin of their researched puppet.
Researchers have included several accurate pictures of their type of puppet or have made an accurate model of that puppet for the presentation.
Researchers have included at least one accurate picture or model of their puppet in the presentation.
Researchers have included a picture or model of their puppet that contains some inaccurate features.
Researchers have made no attempt to include a picture or model of their puppet.
Researchers share their information in a well planned presentation to the class using good volume and eye contact. Researchers are able to answer most questions.
Researchers share their information in a good presentation to the class using good volume and eye contact.Researchers can answer some audience questions.
Researchers are somewhat disorganized in their class presentation and/or lack good volume and eye contact. Researchers struggle to answer questions.
Researchers are disorganized in their presentation to the class and/or are inaudible and do not look at the audience. Researchers cannot answer questions.