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Rubric ID: 2549818
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    Story Writing : Community Helper

Student wrote 3 or more complete sentences with no errors.
Student wrote 2 or more complete sentences with no errors.
Student wrote 1 to 2 sentences with some errors.
Students do not write a complete sentence and or too many errors are present.
Knowledge of Community Helpers
Student demonstrated their knowledge by writing 3 or more sentences on their favorite community helper.
Student demonstrated their knowledge by writing 2 sentences on their favorite community helper.
Student demonstrated their knowledge by writing 1 sentence on their favorite community helper.
Student demonstrated their knowledge by writing less than one sentence.
Ability to complete centers
Student completed all 4 centers.
Student completed 3 centers.
Student completed 2 centers.
Student completed one or none of the centers.
What Tools Does My Community Helper Use?
Student identified 3 tools used by the community helper.
Student identified 2 tools used by the community helper.
Student identified 1 tool used by the community helper.
Student could not identify tools used by the community helper.

Fecha de creación: July 17, 2015 QuizStar | TrackStar | NoteStar | Profiler Pro | Más herramienta RubiStar English | Contáctenos | Privacidad  
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