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Rubric ID: 1012867
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    Multicultural Folktale

Choice of Folktale
Story was obviously a folktale from another county
Story was from another country but not a folktale
Story was well known story but not folktale
Story was not a multicultural folktale
Script Writing
Script followed format exactly.
Story attempted to follow format missing minor pieces.
Story was missing critical format pieces.
Story not in script format
Story was well written and flowed easily with all major parts of story.
Story well written with some difficulty following throughline
Story missing critical pieces. Difficult to follow
Story poorly written, unable to identify throughline.
Story was presented with complete creative element appropriate for each character
Story was presented with some creative elements for characters.
Story was presented with creative element for some of the characters
Story was presented without any creative element for characters.
Cross Curricular Application
Major concepts and topics was addressed using play as teaching tool in each of the four subject areas
Major concepts and topics was addressed using play as teaching tool in three subject areas
Major concepts and topics was addressed using play as teaching tool in two of the subject areas
No cross curricular application

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