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Rubric ID: 1586715
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    DRAFT A Portfolio Rubric for Writing Across the Curriculum

5 (A)
4 (B)
3 (C)
2 (D)
1 (F)
The writer fulfills the assigned task and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject matter and accommodates or reveals an awareness of the target audience.
The writer fulfills the assigned task and demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter and the target audience.
The writer fulfills the assigned task and demonstrates an adequate understanding of the subject matter and the target audience.
The writer fulfills the assigned task but does not demonstrate an understanding of the subject matter or the target audience.
The writer does not fulfill the assigned task or demonstrate an awareness of the target audience.
CONTENT: Cognition
The writer analyzes or synthesizes ideas extremely well, relying upon sound reasoning. When appropriate, the writer acknowledges other views and offers a fresh perspective or creative thinking.
The writer analyzes or synthesizes ideas, relying upon sound reasoning. When appropriate, the writer acknowledges other views.
The writer analyzes or synthesizes ideas, relying upon adequate reasoning. When appropriate, the writer acknowledges other views.
The writer analyzes or synthesizes ideas, but at times the reasoning may be flawed or the perspective may be one-sided.
The writer fails to analyze or synthesize ideas and relies upon faulty reasoning.
CONTENT: Support
The writer presents accurate and precise information. The evidence is compelling and, if necessary, well-documented.
The writer presents accurate and precise information. The evidence is appropriate and, if necessary, documented.
The writer presents accurate information. Most of the evidence is appropriate and, if necessary, documented.
The writer presents evidence, but it is not necessarily accurate, precise, or appropriate. If required, documentation may be incomplete or missing.
The writer presents little or no evidence, or the evidence presented is undocumented when documentation is expected.
The writer presents ideas in a unified and orderly sequence, enabling readers to distinguish important and related information. If specified, the writer follows the appropriate format.
The writer usually presents ideas in a unified and orderly sequence, enabling readers to distinguish important and related information. If specified, the writer follows the appropriate format.
The writer usually presents ideas in an orderly sequence, enabling readers to distinguish important and related information. If specified, the writer follows the appropriate format.
The writer presents ideas in a sequence that occasionally makes it difficult for readers to follow or to identify important and related information. If specified, the writer may not faithfully follow the appropriate format.
The writer is often difficult to follow or repeatedly fails to identify important and related information. If specified, the writer may not follow the appropriate format.
The writer's work looks very professional or inviting. It incorporates appropriate graphics as needed.
The writer's work looks sufficiently professional or inviting. If graphics are included, they are appropriate.
The writer's work looks somewhat professional or inviting. If included, most of the graphics are appropriate.
The writer's work looks a bit unprofessional or less than inviting. If included, some graphics may not be appropriate.
The writer's work does not look professional or inviting. If graphics are expected, it may lack graphics.
STYLE: Correctness
The writer conforms to the rules of Standard Written English (i.e., grammar, spelling, and mechanics.)
The writer usually conforms to the rules of Standard Written English (i.e., grammar, spelling, and mechanics.)
The writer does not consistently conform to the rules of Standard Written English (i.e., grammar, spelling, and mechanics.)
The writer repeatedly fails to conform to the rules of Standard Written English (i.e., grammar, spelling, and mechanics.)
The writer frequently commits errors in Standard Written English (i.e., grammar, spelling, and mechanics.)
STYLE: Facility
The writer manipulates language with art or skill, maintaining an appropriate tone. The writer expresses ideas succinctly, producing easy-to-read prose.
The writer manipulates language skillfully, maintaining an appropriate tone most of the time. The writer expresses most ideas succinctly, producing readable prose.
The writer manipulates language with sufficient skill, maintaining an appropriate tone most of the time. The writer expresses most ideas succinctly, producing readable prose.
The writer manipulates language with some difficulty, resulting in an inconsistent tone or some hard-to-read sentences. The writer sometimes constructs wordy or convoluted sentences.
The writer struggles with language, producing awkward shifts in tone and unreadable passages. Many sentences are wordy or convoluted.
STYLE: Discipline
The writer displays a facility with the language of the discipline and integrates sources smoothly, according to the conventions of the discipline.
The writer displays competent use of the language of the discipline and integrates sources according to the conventions of the discipline.
The writer displays adequate use of the language of the discipline and integrates sources according to the conventions of the discipline.
The writer displays an uneven use of the language of the discipline or occasionally fails to integrate sources according to the conventions of the discipline.
The writer displays an unfamiliarity with the language of the discipline or repeatedly fails to integrate sources according to the conventions of the discipline.

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