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Rubric ID: 1478863
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    Building A Wiki: Individual Contribution to the Group wiki

Date of contribution
contribution made withint the first 2 days of wiki availability
contribution made in the first week of availabilty
Made within sometime after the first week
No individual contribution made
Number of words
More than 400 words
At least 250 words
Less than 250 words
no contribution
Organization and flow
Individual contribution well written information flows well and is orgnaized in a logical manner
Individual contribution well written information flows well but orgnaization is a little scattered
Individual contribution not well written, information does not flow well and lacks organization
no contribution
Value to the wiki project
Individual contribution is an important and needed contribution to help to fully explain the group's assigned topic
Individual contribution is on task for the group topic but is not really an important and needed contribution to help to fully explain the group's assigned topic
Individual contribution is interesting but totally off topic or not helpful in addressing the group's assigned topic.
no contribution made
written in contributor's own words
Contribution written in his or her own words, does not use unnecessary direct quotes. Well done summaries
Most of Contribution written in his or her own words, but uses unnecessary direct quotes.
no contribution
Well written NO typos, unmatched verb tenses, or awkward or run-on sentences. everything spelled correctly and proper use of paragraphs
Paper has a problem with one of the components mentioned in the mastery level to the left.
Paper has a problem with two or more of the components mentioned in the mastery level to the left.
no contribution
Contribution effortless to read, easy to understand no flowery language or poor use of sentence structure
Contribution understood okay but flowery language or poor use of sentence structure makes it more of an effort to get the meaning of the material
Contribution difficult to understand take much effort to get through
no contribution

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