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Rubric ID: 1156042
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    Module Seven BLOG EVALUATION

Developing Blogger (1pt)
Beggining Blogger (2pts)
Proficient Blogger (3pts)
Brilliant Blogger (4pts)
Presentation of Virtual Speech
Virtual speech has required components; what was learned and what you still want to learn.
Virtual speech is missing a key component; either what was learned or what you want to learn.
Virtual Speech includes required components and makes reference to a personal connection.
Virtual Speech includes required components, makes reference to a personal connection and is written with flair and originality.
Intellectual Engagement with Key Concepts
Blog enteries make some reference (1-2) to issues raised through selected readings and/or prior class modules
Blog enteries make no reference to issues raised through selected readings and/or prior class modules
Blog enteries make 3-4 references of key issues raised through selected readings and/or prior class modules
Blog enteries demonstrate engagement with the important issues raised through selected readings and/or prior modules. Five or more references are made
Personal Response to Key Concepts
Blog enteries convey a little evidence of a personal response to the issues/concepts raised in the readings/modules
Blog enteries show no personal response is made to the issues/concepts raised in the readings/modules
Blog enteries convey evidence of a personal response to the issues raised in the readings/modules,and demonstrate that the author is capable of reflecting on learning & technology.
Blog enteries convey extensive evidence of a personal response to the issues raised in the readings/modules,and demonstrate the author's growth through reflection on learning & technology.
Engaged Writing
Audience will have little trouble following your blog enteries. An ocassional link connecting your thoughts to those of others is included.
Blog enteries are difficult to follow. No links are included connecting your thoughts to those of others.
Blog enteries are easy to follow. Most blog enteries include links connecting your thoughts to those of others.
Blog enteries are easy to follow and have some flair and originality. Blog enteries may contain multiple links.
Overall Use of Blog
2 to 4 blog enteries and comments have been completed. (This includes virtual speech)
Only 1 blog entry is included. No comments are made on blogs of others. (This includes virtual speech)
5 blog enteries and 5 comments are submitted, though not all of them may give evidence of substantial contribution. (This includes virtual speech)
5+ blog enteries and 5+ comments are submitted, most are substantial and evidence of reflection is shown.

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