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Rubric ID: 2074420
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    Once Upon A Time...

4 - Brilliant!
3 - Good job!
2 - You passed.
1 - Really? REALLY?
The concept of your story is clear and the moral/myth/tale is obvious.
The concept of your story is evident and the moral/myth/tale is implied.
The concept of your story and the moral/myth/tale is basically there.
The concept of your story is unclear and the moral/myth/tale is missing.
Character development
Your characters are unique and well-defined.
Your characters are defined.
Your have at least three characters.
Your characters are not distinguishable.
Plot / Script
The story has a clear setting, a well-presented premise, and a solid conclusion.
The story has a good setting, a feasible premise, and a good conclusion.
The story has a setting, a premise, and a conclusion.
The story's setting, premise, and/or conclusion is missing.
Storyboarding / Planning
The storyboard shows planning and is executable.
The storyboard shows includes audio and video and can be followed.
The storyboard has gaps or missing elements.
The storyboard is missing or confusing.
The medium is highly effective to present the ideas within the story. Audio and music accompany and enhance the visuals.
The medium does a good job to present the ideas within the story. Audio and music accompany the visuals.
The medium presents the ideas within the story. Either audio or music with script accompanies the visuals.
The medium poorly presents the ideas within the story. Neither audio nor music accompanies the visuals.

Fecha de creación: July 29, 2011 QuizStar | TrackStar | NoteStar | Profiler Pro | Más herramienta RubiStar English | Contáctenos | Privacidad  
Derechos de autor. © 2000-2008, ALTEC at the University of Kansas