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    Making A Collage : Tessellations

    Teacher Name: Mrs. Baker

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Several of the colors or shapes used in the tessellation reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their effort and/or display.
One or two of the shapes used in the collage reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. More than 3 colors were used.
One or two shapes were customized, but the ideas were typical rather than creative. Less than 3 colors were used.
The student did not make or customize any of the shapes on the poster.
Number of Items
The poster includes 20 or more shapes.
The poster includes 19-15 different shapes.
The poster includes 14-10 different shapes.
The poster contains fewer than 9 different shapes.
Shapes are trimmed to an appropriate size. Interesting shapes are arranged well. Edges are lined up with zero gaps. Care has been taken to balance the shapes across the poster.
Shapes are trimmed to an appropriate size. Edges are lined up with zero gaps. Interesting shapes are arranged well, but the poster, does not appear balanced.
Shapes have been trimmed to an appropriate size and shape, but the arrangement of items is not very neat. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement.
Shapes are untrimmed OR of inappropriate size. It appears little attention was given to designing the poster.
Time and Effort
Class time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the collage.It is evident that the student took pride in his/her work.
Class time was used wisely. Student could have exhibited more effort.
Class time was not always used wisely, but student did put forth a decent amount of effort.
Class time was not used wisely and the student put in no additional effort.
Understanding of Media
The student can define the term "tessellation" and tell how it differs from a typical collage. The student can also name at least 3 key characteristics that define a tessellation.
The student can define the term "tessellation" and tell how it differs from a typical collage, but can only name 1-2 key characteristic.
The student can define the term "tessellation" and tell how it differs from a typical collage, but they can not define the key characteristics.
The student has trouble defining the term "tessellation" and describing how it differs from a typical collage AND/OR the student cannot describe how to make a tessellation more powerful or attractive.

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