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    HyperStudio/Powerpoint Appearance and Content : New Year's Eve

    Teacher Name: Rendon

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Brainstorming activity
Students give 5 ideas in the activity.
Students give 7 ideas in the activity.
Students complete 10 ideas in the activity.
VENN diagram
Students complte the Venn diagram and found at least 2 similarities and differences between themselves.
Students complte the Venn diagram and found at least 3 similarities and differences between themselves.
Students complte the Venn diagram and found at least 5 similarities and differences between themselves.
Students gave a presentation using their information, sharing at least 2 similarites and differences between themselves and thier partner.
Students gave a presentation using their information, sharing at least 3 similarites and differences between themselves and thier partner.
Students gave a presentation using their information, sharing at least 5 similarites and differences between themselves and thier partner.
Students demonstrated minimal effort.Students failed to follow directions, and was often off task
Students demonstrated satisfactory effort. Students followed directions, and were on task.
Students demonstrated outstanding effort. Students followed all directions and were on task.

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