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    6+1 Trait Writing Model : Discussion Board Submission and Responses 12+

    Teacher Name: Ms. Bugg Shadrick

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

4 - Exceeds Expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 - Approaching Expectations
1 - Below Expectations
Timeliness of Posts
Writer posted responses to all questions by deadline. Writer contributed three or more meaningful responses to postings of classmates.
Writer responded to all questions thoughtfully by deadline. Writer contributed two meaningful responses to postings of classmates.
Writer responded to some questions thoughtfully by deadline. Or writer did not respond to at least two classmates in a relevant or meaningful way.
Writer did not post their own response in a timely fashion. Writer did not comment on the postings of peers at all.
Relevance of Post
There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information.
Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general.
Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information.
The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.
Grammer, Spelling and Puncuation
Writer makes no errors in spelling, capitalization or punctuation, so the paper is exceptionally easy to read.
Writer makes 1 or 2 errors in spelling, capitalization or punctuation, but the paper is still easy to read.
Writer makes a few errors in spelling, capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s attention and interrupt the flow.
Writer makes several errors in spelling, capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s attention and greatly interrupt the flow.
Expression within Post
Expresses ideas/opinions clearly and makes obvious connections to the topic. Asks and answers questions.
Ideas/opinions are usually stated clearly and connections can be founds to topic. Asks and answers questions.
Ideas/Opinions are vaguely connected to the topic. Asks or answers questions.
Does not express ideas/opinions clearly. Neither asks nor answers questions.
Learning Community Contribution
Consistently provides leadership and creativity by engaging and motivating the community.
Frequently directs the discussion and presents viewpoints. Interacts freely.
Marginal effort made to become involved in community or group.
Little or no effort is made to participate in the development of the community.

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