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    Senior Research Paper

    Teacher Name: Cooley

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

4- Above standards
3- Meets standards
2- Below standards
1- Standards not met
Brief summary of source
Author briefly summarizes source providing critical information about source.
Author provides a summary.
Author provides a summary that lacks critical information/ideas.
Author failed to provide a pertinent summary.
Author utilizes signal phrases to introduce information from source and indicates page number from source without error.
Author utilizes citations with 1-2 errors.
Author utilizes citations with 3-4 errors.
Author does not utilize citations or makes 5 or more errors.
Grammar and spelling
Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Author makes 5 or more errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Capitalization & punctuation
Author makes 1-2 errors in capitalization or punctuation so the essay is exceptionally easy to read.
Author makes 3-4 errors in capitalization or punctuation, but the essay is still easy to read.
Author makes several errors in capitalization or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow.
Author makes too many errors in capitalization or punctuation.
MLA format
Author uses correct MLA formatting for headings/pagination/spacing with little or no errors.
Author uses correct MLA formatting for headings/pagination/spacing with minimal errors.
Author does not provide adequate MLA format according to standards.
Author failed to provide proper MLA format.

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