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    Multimedia Project : The Grapes of Wrath Student Blogs

    Teacher Name: Mr. Schoenborn

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Blog Characteristics
Exceptional. The blog post is focused and coherently integrates examples with explanations or analysis. The post demonstrates awareness of its own limitations or implications, and it considers multiple perspectives when appropriate. The entry reflects in-depth engagement with the topic.
Satisfactory. The blog post is reasonably focused, and explanations or analysis are mostly based on examples or other evidence. Fewer connections are made between ideas, and though new insights are offered, they are not fully developed. The post reflects moderate engagement with the topic.
Underdeveloped. The blog post is mostly description or summary, without consideration of alternative perspectives, and few connections are made between ideas. The post reflects passing engagement with the topic.
Limited. The blog post is unfocused, or simply rehashes previous comments, and displays no evidence of student engagement with the topic.

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