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    Newspaper : California Region

    Teacher Name: Mrs. Panza

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Articles - Supporting Details
The details in the articles are clear, effective, and vivid 80-100% of the time.
The details in the articles are clear and pertinent 90-100% of the time.
The details in the articles are clear and pertinent 75-89% of the time.
The details in more than 25% of the articles are neither clear nor pertinent.
Graphics are in focus, are well-cropped and are clearly related to the articles they accompany.
Graphics are in focus and are clearly related to the articles they accompany.
80-100% of the graphics are clearly related to the articles they accompany.
More than 20% of the graphics are not clearly related to the articles OR no graphics were used.
Layout - Headlines & Captions
All articles have headlines that capture the reader's attention and accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline. All graphics have captions that adequately describe the people and action in the graphic.
All articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline. All graphics have captions.
Most articles have headlines that accurately describe the content. All articles have a byline. Most graphics have captions.
Articles are missing bylines OR many articles do not have adequate headlines OR many graphics do not have captions.

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