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    6+1 Trait Writing Model : Podcast Project

    Teacher Name: Seitz

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Catchy and clever introduction. Provides relevant information and establishes a clear purpose engaging the listener immediately.
Describes the topic and engages the audience as the introduction proceeds.
Somewhat engaging (covers well-known topic), and provides a vague purpose.
Irrelevant or inappropriate topic that minimally engages listener. Does not include an introduction or the purpose is vague and unclear.
Well rehearsed, smooth delivery in a conversational style.
Rehearsed, smooth delivery.
Appears unrehearsed with uneven delivery.
Delivery is hesitant, and choppy and sounds like the presenter is reading.
Delivery 2
Highly effective enunciation and presenter's speech is clear and intelligible, not distant and muddled. Expression, and rhythm keep the audience listening
Enunciation, expression, pacing are effective throughout the podcast.
Enunciation, expression, rhythm are sometimes distracting during the podcast.
Enunciation of spoken word is distant and muddled and not clear. Expression and rhythm are distracting throughout the podcast.
Delivery 3
Correct grammar is used throughout the podcast.
Correct grammar is used during the podcast.
Occasionally incorrect grammar is used during the podcast.
Poor grammar is used throughout the podcast.
Music Enhancement
Music enhances the mood, quality, and understanding of the presentation.
Music provides supportive background to the podcast.
Music provides somewhat distracting background to the podcast.
Music is distracting to presentation.
Technical Production
Presentation is recorded in a quiet environment without background noise and distractions.
Presentation is recorded in a quiet environment with minimal background noise and distractions.
Presentation is recorded in a semi-quiet environment with some background noise and distractions.
Presentation is recorded in a noisy environment with constant background noise and distractions.
Techical Production 2
Volume of voice, music, and effects enhance the presentation.
Volume is acceptable.
Volume is occasionally inconsistent.
Volume changes are highly distracting.
Technical Production 3
Podcast length keeps the audience interested and engaged and meets the time requirement of 12-15 minutes.
Podcast length keeps audience listening and almost meets the time requirement. Podcast is only 10-12 minutes long.
Podcast length is somewhat long or somewhat short to keep audience engaged. It is 8 minutes or 18 minutes.
Podcast is either too long or too short to keep the audience engaged. Podcast exceeds 18 minutes or is under 8 minutes.
Group Work
All team members contributed equally to the finished product and assist in editing process by offering critique and sharing in skill development.
Assisted group/partner in the editing process.
Finished individual task but did not assist group/partner during the editing process.
Contributed little to the group effort during the editing process.
Group Work 2
Performed all duties of assigned team role and contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Always did the assigned work.
Performed nearly all duties of assigned team role and contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Completed most of the assigned work.
Performed a few duties of assigned team role and contributed a small amount of knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Completed some of the assigned work.
Did not perform any duties of assigned team role and did not contribute knowledge, opinions or skills to share with the team. Relied on others to do the work.

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