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    To Kill a Mockingbird - Memory Box

    Nombre del maestro/a: Mrs. Kesler

    Nombre del estudiante:     ________________________________________

Outstanding (You have excelled!)
Good (Solid work)
Fair (Weak)
Poor (Is this a nightmare?!)
Number of Items
The memory box includes 7 or more items, each different.
The memory box includes 6 different items.
The memory box includes 5 different items.
The memory box contains fewer than 5 different items.
Understanding of Character
The student fully understands the many aspects behind their character's personae and every item in the memory box is related to the assigned theme. For most items, the relationship is clear without explanation
The student fully understands the many aspects behind their character's personae and every item in the memory box is related to the assigned theme. For many of the items, the relationship is clear without explanation.
The student understands some aspects behind their character's personae and some items in the memory box are related to the assigned theme.
The student's items are weak and illustrate difficulty understanding how to relate items to the assigned theme.
Evidence of Preparation
The memory box shows considerable attention to construction. The items are neatly constructed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the box. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains.
The memory box shows attention to construction. The items are neatly constructed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the box. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present.
The memory box shows some attention to construction. Most items are neatly constructed. All items are securely attached to the box. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present.
The memory box was put together sloppily. Items appear to be just "slapped on". Pieces may be loose or hanging over the edges. Smudges, stains, rips, uneven edges, and/or stray marks are evident.
Item Explanation
Titles and text were written clearly and were easy to read. It is obvious you understand the reasons your items are in your box.
Titles and text were written clearly and were easy to read. Some items are fully explained and it is clear you know the reasons behind what is in your box
Titles and text were written clearly and were readable. There was little understanding of most of the items in your box.
Titles and/or text are hard to read or absent.

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