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    Famous African American Research Paper

    Nombre del maestro/a: Mrs. Burgess

    Nombre del estudiante:     ________________________________________

Early life
At least 5 events from their early life are mentioned (like birthdate, where born, parents, siblings, schooling, early jobs, etc.). 15 points
At least 3-4 events from their early life are mentioned. 10 points
At least 1-2 events from their early life are mentioned. 5 points
No events from their early life are mentioned. 0 points
Middle life/ Known for
At least 4 events from their middle life are mentioned (like marriage, children, what they did of importance, etc.). 20 points
At least 3 events from their middle life are mentioned 13 points
At least 1-2 events from their middle life are mentioned 6 points
No events from their middle life are mentioned 0 points
Later life/death/currently doing
At least 2-3 events from their later life are mentioned (like date of death, burial site, honors received after they died, what are they doing now, etc.). 10 points
At least 1 events from their later life are mentioned. 5 points
No events from their later life are mentioned. 0 points
Written/typed neat and papers are neatly presented. 7 points
Either not written/typed neat or papers are crinkled. 3 points
Unable to read writing and crinkled papers. 0 points
Spelling and Capitalization
No mistakes in spelling and capitalization. 10 points
1-4 mistakes in spelling and capitalization. 7 points
5-8 mistakes in spelling and capitalization. 5 points
More than 8 mistakes in spelling and capitalization. 0 points
Gathering of information sheets
Three sheets with researched information (notes): Early life, Middle life/ known for, and later life/death/currently doing. 7 points
Two sheets with researched information (notes). 5 points
One sheet with researched information (notes). 2 points
No sheets with researched information (notes). 0 points
Cover page
Cover page includes person's name, student's name, date due, teacher's name, and a picture/illustrationof the person. 8 points
Cover page is missing 1-2 of these listed items: person's name, student's name, date due, teacher's name, and a picture/illustrationof the person. 5 points
Cover page is missing 3-4 of these listed items: person's name, student's name, date due, teacher's name, and a picture/illustrationof the person. 3 points
No cover page included. 0 points
Pictures or illustrations
Additional pictures/illustrations are included in the report. 5 points
No additional pictures are included in the report. 0 points
Paragraph indentions
Three indented paragraphs: Early life, Middle life/known for, and later life/death/ currently doing. 6 points
Two indented paragraphs. 4 points
One indented paragraphs. 2 points
No indented paragraphs. 0 points
Oral Presentation
Oral presentation given with no problems in reading paper. 12 points
Oral presentation given, but had trouble reading paper and pronouncing words. 6 points
No oral presentation given. 0 points

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