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United States History Since 1945
4th quarter senior project
A Presidential Portfolio

Project Description
Your Task: Create a portfolio containing primary source documents, written research, and your personal analysis of a specific presidential term. This portfolio will be divided into separate sections, each containing specific elements from your research and analysis. In other words, this will be a binder containing specific written pages, research, pictures, and primary source documents which you will be gathering and creating over the next few weeks.

Topics: Your portfolio will focus on one presidential term of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan (two terms), George Bush Sr., or Bill Clinton (two terms). Topics will be assigned by lottery in order to insure that each topic is covered equally. You will be working individually!

Materials: This portfolio must be neatly presented in a new 1 ½ to 2-inch binder. Labeled dividers with tabs should divide each section. You should have these materials by the Monday after April break at the latest! Plastic page protectors are strongly encouraged, as are colored paper and printed photos.

Research: A major goal of this assignment is to improve your research and citation skills. A large manila envelope will remain in Miss Roach’s room throughout this process. You will keep all of your research materials within that envelope. Citation worksheets will be provided and you will keep these in your research envelope as well. You may not bring these envelopes home!


  1. Biography (personal background up to election)
  2. Timeline of presidency
  3. Politics during presidency (International & Domestic affairs)
  4. Popular culture during presidency (Entertainment, Fashion, Major news stories)
  5. Professional analysis of presidency (Sources from professional writers)
  6. Your personal analysis based on research and findings complete with citations

The Process:Each of these sections will be completed in order. Research will be done overtime. It is important that the portfolio itself (the binder) is present ASAP because final drafts for section 1 will need to be added to it by April 14. You will be given assignment sheets and due dates for each separate section. It is important that each of you remains on task and completes each portion of this project as assigned. I remind you that the majority of this project must be completed within school (though you may need to gather and copy resources independently) and it is very important that you are present each and every day of class!!!!

Presentation: You will be so impressed with your final project that you most certainly will want to show it off to your fellow students and teachers. More details as to how you will be expected to present the project will follow.

Due Dates: This project will have a series of due dates and each must be met. They will be given to you as part of the instructions for each separate section.

Rubric Information
Rubric TitlePresidential Biography (Early Life)
Rubric ID1568332
Teacher NameMeaghan Roach
SchoolArchbishop Williams High School 
SubjectSocial Science

Project Includes
LinksPresidential Profile
Portfolio Instructions Part 1
Portfolio Instructions Part 2
Portfolio Instructions Part 3 
Teacher TipsThis project was designed to be completed individually by
grade 12 students during their shortened fourth quarter. For four weeks, students worked on the pieces of this portfolio during classtime. The project counted as their entire fourth quarter grade. Modifications could be made for students to
complete this project outside of school and in less time. For example, the parts of the portfolio could be compiled by groups of students rather than individuals.

This course is a senior elective based on American history from 1945 to present. As a fourth quarter project, students compiled these "presidential portfolios" based on the presidential terms during that time period.

Rubistar was very helpful in terms of conveying my expectations for this project to my students. Also, these projects were presented to the school community with the rubric as a guide. QuizStar | TrackStar | NoteStar | Profiler Pro | More Tools RubiStar en Español | Contact Us | Terms of Use  
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