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    Science: 5th Grade Lab Write Up

    Teacher Name: Mrs. Paluso

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Lab report uses graphics/Wordart. AND It is typed and headings and subheadings visually organize the material.
Lab report is neatly typed and ORGANIZED.
Lab report is typed, but NOT ORGANIZED.
Lab report is handwritten OR looks sloppy with cross-outs, multiple erasures and/or tears and creases.
The purpose of the lab is CLEARLY identified and stated.
The purpose of the lab is identified BUT in a somewhat UNCLEAR manner.
The purpose of the lab is PARTIALLY identified. It may be in an unclear manner.
The purpose of the lab IS WRONG.
Background Information
Information from discussion or outside sources, as well as text, are translated into student's own words.
Lab information from text book is added and translated into student's own words.
Lab information from white board is translated into student's OWN words.
Material from WHITE BOARD is copied directly.
The CLEAR hypothesis is based on what has been STUDIED. The relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable.
The relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable but may be UNCLEAR.
Hypothesis appears to be wrong, OR the "if/then" is ommitted.
No hypothesis has been stated. The heading is there but left empty.
ALL materials are clearly and accurately described.
ALMOST ALL materials are clearly and accurately described.
MOST of the materials are listed.
Many materials are WRONG OR MISSING.
Both of the 2 variables are CORRECT and clearly described.
BOTH OF THE 2 variables are DESCRIBED. They may be unclear or wrong.
ONE OF THE 2 variables are described, but may be wrong.
Headings present BUT variables are not described.
Procedures are listed in clear steps. Each step is numbered and is a complete sentence.
ALL steps are listed in a logical order, BUT steps are not numbered and/or are not in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Procedures are listed but ONE minor step may be missing. Steps may be difficult to follow.
Procedures do not list the major steps of the experiment.
Procedures are CLEARLY replicable. Steps are outlined sequentially and are adequately detailed.
Procedures appear to be replicable. Steps are adequately detailed BUT MAY BE UNCLEAR.
All steps are outlined, but there is not enough detail to replicate procedures in a one or two steps.
Several steps are missing or DO NOT have enough detail to replicate procedures.
CLEAR, accurate, colored diagrams are included and make the experiment EASIER TO UNDERSTAND. Diagrams are labeled neatly and accurately.
COLORED diagrams are included and are labeled.
Diagrams are included and are LABELED.
SOME diagrams present BUT needed diagrams are MISSING OR NOT LABELED.
Professional looking and accurate data is displayed in the LABELED and TITLED tables.
COMPUTER generated tables are used to display the data.
Paragraph of accurate data, but NO TABLES are presented.
Heading present but Data are not shown OR are WRONG.
PREDICTIONS are made about what might happen if part of the lab were changed or how the experimental design could be CHANGED. The relationship between the variables is discussed and trends/patterns/text logically analyzed.
The VARIABLE RELATIONSHIP to each other are discussed AND TRENDS/patterns logically analyzed.
SOME relationship between the variables is discussed, BUT NO patterns, trends or predictions are made based on the data.
Analysis is INCOMPLETE. NO relationship between the variables is discussed.
POSSIBLE SOURCES OF ERROR are included in the conclusion, as well as whether the findings supported the hypothesis, and what was learned from the experiment.
Conclusion includes whether the findings SUPPORTED THE HYPOTHESIS and what was learned from the experiment.
Conclusion includes what WAS LEARNED from the experiment.
LITTLE OR NO conclusion was included OR shows little effort and reflection.
Recommendations describe some FUTURE applications to real life situations, as well as the skills learned, how to do better, and the information learned.
BOTH recommendations are described: how to do better and also a possible application to a REAL life situation.
ONLY ONE recommendation is described: how they would do lab better, OR an application.
NO Recommendations are written, but headings are present.
Scientific Concepts
A THOROUGH AND ACCURAATE understanding of scientific concepts underlying the lab is illustrated.
An ACCURATE understanding of MOST scientific concepts underlying the lab is illustrated.
A LIMITED understanding of scientific concepts underlying the lab is illustrated.
An INACCURATE UNDERSTANDING of scientific concepts underlying the lab is illustrated.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
ONE OR NO errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report.
TWO OR THREE ERRORS in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report.
FOUR ERRORS in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report.
MORE THAN 4 errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report.
Used time well in lab and focused attention on the experiment. Was a LEADER of the group or COOPERATED FULLY.
Used time pretty well. STAYED FOCUS on the experiment MOST of the time and ASSISTED group.
Did the lab but WAS NOT VERY INTERESTED. Focus was lost on several occasions or student wandered from group.
Participation was minimal OR student was hostile about participating. Student may have not prepared lab in order to participate.
Lab book/Notebook
Dated, clear, accurate notes are taken OFTEN AND REGULARLY.
Dated, CLEAR, ACCURATE notes are taken occassionally.
Notes are taken OCCASIONALLY, but accuracy of notes might be questionable.
Notes RARELY TAKEN or of little use.
Safety & Class Procedures
Lab is carried out with FULL ATTENTION to relevant safety & class procedures. The set-up, experiment, and tear-down posed no safety threat to any individual.
Lab is generally carried out with attention to relevant safety & class procedures. The set-up, experiment, and tear-down posed no safety threat to any individual, but ONE class or safety procedure needed to be reviewed.
Lab is carried out with SOME ATTENTION to relevant safety procedures. The set-up, experiment, and tear-down posed no safety threat to any individual, but several class or safety PROCEDURES NEED TO BE REVIEWED.
Safety or class procedures were ignored and/or some aspect of the experiment posed a threat to the safety of the student or others. It was UNSAFE!
Set up
WITHOUT ANY reminders, set up was done in a timely, competent manner.
With a FEW reminders, set up was done in a timely, competent manner.
With SOME CONFUSION and REMINDERS (or assitance), set up was done.
Set up was done with MUCH CONFUSION and lots of assistance. Uncertain what materials needed or procedures to follow.
Clean up
WITHOUT ANY reminders, clean up was done in a timely, competent manner .
With a FEW reminders, clean up was done in a timely, competent manner .
MANY REMINDERS were needed to have clean up done.
Clean up was NOT DONE COMPLETELY even with reminders.

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