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    Sign Language Drawing : Drawing

    Teacher Name: Mr. Mize

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Use of Class Time
Student took the project seriously and made excellent use of class time. Made sincere effort to do their best.
Student took the project seriously and made good use of class time. Made sincere effort to do well.
Student did not take the project seriously and made only moderate use of class time. Made some effort to do well.
Student made poor use of class time.
Drawing has 5 contour hands accurately spelling name in sign language. Hands are drawn in large scale to fill page.
Drawing has 5 contour hands accurately spelling name in sign language. Hands are drawn in large scale, but don't quite fill page.
Drawing has 4 contour hands accurately spelling name in sign language. Hands aren't drawn in large scale to fill page.
Drawing has 3 contour hands inaccurately spelling name in sign language. Hands aren't drawn in large scale to fill page.
The drawings show an excellent effort at truly observing the hands and making a sincere effort to duplicate them.
The drawings show a good effort at truly observing the hands and making a sincere effort to duplicate them.
The drawings show a moderate effort at observing the hands and making an effort to duplicate them.
The drawings show little effort at observing the hands and attempting to duplicate them.
Craftsmanship is excellent. Drawing shows great care, ink work is done very well, no erasure marks or smudges.
Craftsmanship is good. Drawing shows care, ink work is done well, a few erasure marks or smudges.
Craftsmanship is moderate. Drawing shows some care, ink work is sloppy in places, some erasure marks or smudges.
Craftsmanship is poor. Drawing shows little care, ink work is sloppy, many erasure marks or smudges.

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