Rubric Made Using:
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4- Exemplary
3- Accomplished
2- Emerging
1- Beginning
Story Map Purpose
Establishes clear content-driven purpose throughout entire story map relying on accurate facts and evidence.
Establishes clear content-driven purpose throughout most of story map relying on accurate facts and evidence.
There are a few lapses in focus where content strays away from reliable facts and evidence, but the story map\\\\\\'s purpose is clear.
It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the story map due to missing evidence, inaccurate evidence, or an unfocused purpose.
Primary and Secondary Evidence
Embeds at least one historically accurate primary or secondary source per religion into story map, choosing relevant sources that further the viewer's understanding.
Embeds at least one historically accurate primary or secondary source per religion into story map, choosing relevant sources that completes the viewer's understanding.
There are one or two missing accurate primary or secondary sources, but all other religions are represented with relevant sources to help complete the viewer's understanding.
At least half (4 or more) of the religions are missing a primary or secondary source. Primary and secondary sources are not helpful or relevant.
Story Map Application
Major World Religions are mapped out using story mapping software (such as Knightlab Storymap). The mapping is linear with clear, visually appealing headings as to which religion is being represented.
Major World Religions are mapped out using story mapping software (such as Knightlab Storymap). The mapping is linear with headings as to which religion is being represented.
Major World Religions are mapped out using story mapping software (such as Knightlab Storymap). The mapping is attempts to be linear, but some headings are missing, misrepresented, or confusing to the viewer.
Major World Religions are mapped out using story mapping software (such as Knightlab Storymap). There is no attempt to be linear, and viewers are confused as to which world religion goes where.
World Religion Core Beliefs
All seven major world religions' core beliefs are clearly outlined and are always represented concisely and relevantly. Additional multimedia is drawn upon to support the core belief system (ex: photographs, videos, infographics).
All seven major world religions' core beliefs are clearly outlined and always represented concisely and relevantly.
1-2 of the major world religions' core beliefs are missing from the story map, but the remaining world religions are generally represented concisely and relevantly.
3 or more of the major world religions' core beliefs are missing from the story map. Any world religions that are represented are off-topic and limited.
World Religions Geography
Story map tool is used to locate the geographical center of major religions and map the spread of the world religions through 1500 CE.
Story map tool is used to locate the geographical center of major religions. Mapping attempts are made to show the spread of the world religions through 1500 CE.
Story map tool attempts to locate geographical centers of major world religions, with a few minor mistakes. Minimal mapping attempts are made to show some spread of the world religions through 1500 CE.
Story map tool has a limited mapping of the geographical centers of major world religions, making many geographical mistakes. No attempt is made to show the spread through 1500 CE.
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